Book of Memories for Fritz Vital Recent updates for the Book of Memories Frontrunner Professional Book of Memories V4 en-gb Story shared: My Hero Well its with great sadness to see my hero have left us. My dad was a very passionate man and believed in people. He helped a lot of our family members gain access to a prosperous and good life.

By no means an easy man to get along with unless you knew him. I can say I have a lot of good memories. 

I often ask him in my Later years jokingly; What makes a man come to  a country work 3 separate jobs and without knowing the language work hard to earn enough money not just for him to survive. Then save enough of it to send for his wife and 3 daughters and 1 year later send for 4 other kids?

I would often ask that question without a response from him just  a pensive look. 

The last and only time I got an answer to that question was(in broken english) "well I was suppose to"!

Later in life I understood what he meant by that. I see the same compassion in my siblings as well.

Shared Photos Tue, 28 Feb 2017 21:02:22 EST